2023 Retrospective: A lot happened this year

2023 Retrospective: A lot happened this year

Every year, we describe activities, milestones, and events that have characterized the year at Land of Hope. The annual report for 2023 is ready, and we can look back on a year where, among other things:

  • 7 of our older children; Michael, Idong, Charity, Mary, Emem, Essien, and Rita left Land of Hope to study at the Nigerian universities. For 10 years, we have taken care of them and provided them with care at Land of Hope. Now is the time for them, as independent adults, to contribute to a new future for Nigeria.
  • David Peter was rescued after being accused of witchcraft. The locals had tortured him with a hammer. He suffered severe physical injuries but is healing and loves that he can now go to school with the other children.
  • Sporting achievements were celebrated at Land of Hope. Gladys won silver in the Akwa Ibom Athletics Sport Competition, and Rita, Saviour, and Idong all have the opportunity to represent Akwa Ibom in Nigeria’s National Sports Festival 2024.
  • Our awareness work in the poor local areas has intensified, and several of the children are old enough to courageously tell their stories – they are all living proof that superstition has no validity.
  • 300 bags of rice were distributed in the local areas where women and children live on the brink of starvation. We are grateful that we also have the opportunity to help in the local area where it is desperately needed.
  • Hope was reunited with his mother – and the highly emotional moment was documented by a film company because it happened in the middle of filming for the new documentary series “Woman at the End of the World” which premiered in Poland in 2023.
  • Anja received the ALF Award from His Majesty and Denmark’s new King Frederik X for her humanitarian efforts in Nigeria, and once again, she was named World’s Most Inspiring People by the Austrian magazine OOOM.

It is tough times in Nigeria, and we are under economic pressure in a country with rising inflation and corruption. But despite that, we still look forward to the coming years. They will be crucial for Land of Hope.

Changes are coming!

Thank you for supporting our work, and for continuing to support our fight against superstition that kills thousands of innocent children every year. We have come a long way, and we will not stop until we have succeeded.

Land of Hope Annual Report 2023